Unable to connect to database - 19:22:48 SQL Statement is null or not a SELECT - 19:22:48 Unable to connect to database - 19:22:48 SQL Statement is null or not an INSERT - 19:22:48 Unable to connect to database - 19:22:48 SQL Statement is null or not an INSERT - 19:22:48
Camera-ready papers

Please submit the final PS file, PDF file and your source (input) files (TEX files for text and PS or EPS files for figures, or DVI file, or RTF file). You should also send a signed copyright form by mail. The copyright form can be found at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/copyright.html.

Your paper will be included in the respective proceedings if the following requirements are satisfied:

  • the paper is selected by the international program committee,
  • the files with the camera ready version and the signed copyright form arrive in time,
  • the paper adheres to the formatting guidelines,
  • one of the authors registered for the conference (with fee paid).
Formatting requirements

Since research papers will be published in the LNCS series of Springer Verlag, authors are encouraged to consider the Springer LNCS format requirements and to use Springer style files already at the submission stage.

The style files and the formatting requirements can be found at: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html#proceedings

Style files should not be manipulated and the guidelines regarding font sizes and format should be adhered to. The opening page of a paper will be a right hand page (for each paper) so the paper should have even number of pages.

LaTeX and Tex

Please use LaTeX2e for the preparation of your camera-ready paper together with the corresponding Springer class file llncs.cls. Only in this case it is possible to add hyperlinks to your paper in the online version. Springer provides also LaTeX2 macro package for LNCS that contains following files:

  • llncs.dem sample input file which you may take as a source for your own input,
  • llncs.doc a TEX file that contains the documentation including detailed instructions showing how the macro package works,
  • llncs.dvi resulting DVI file of llncs.doc to enable you to print out the documentation directly.

Springer also provides the LaTeX2e source file of the LNCS "Authors' Instructions", which may serve as a further sample input.

If you are not able to use LaTeX2e you may use Springer old macro packages for LaTex or for Tex.

MS Word

Springer provides also the templates sv-lncs.dot (for use with PC systems) and sv-lncs (for use with Macintosh systems) to help MS Word users to prepare their camera-ready papers. Springer provides also following files:

  • sv-lncs.doc the template documentation,
  • typeinst.doc example input.

Please read the documentation of the template carefully.


Headings should be capitalized (i.e., nouns, verbs, and all other words exept articles, prepositions, and conjunctions should be set with an initial capital) and should, with the exception of the title, be aligned to the left. Words joined by a hyphen are subject to a special rule. If the first word can stand alone, the second word should be capitalized.


Criteria to Disprove Context-Freeness of Collage Languages

On Correcting the Intrusion of Tracing Non-deterministic Programs by Software

A User-Friendly and Extendable Data Distribution System

Multi-flip Networks: Parallelizing GenSAT


The figures should be drawn in black (colour figures and half-tones are not allowed ) with the lettering sufficiently large to stand reduction. Keep in mind that we shall reduce your text by order to bring it down to camera ready size.

For LaTex and Tex users we recommend using the style-files psfig or epsf.

Trademarks, tradenames, and logos

Trademarks and service marks are valuable assets protected by companies. Proper trademark attribution through trademark symbols (TM for trademarks, SM for service marks, ® for registered trademarks) helps prevent them from becoming generic terms. Trade names are the actual business names of companies. Trademarks and trade names are not the same, even though many companies use their trade names as trademarks. If you are using a registered name as a substitute for company name (e.g., "Oracle" to substitute "Oracle Corporation"), you are using it as a trade name. Because they are nouns, trade names can be used in the possessive and do not require a generic term or a trademark symbol. You should not use a ® after name when it appears as part of the full corporate name or as a trade name. The appropriate trademark symbol should be used when the mark appears in your text. The first use of a trademark should include the footnote with a trademark attribution line crediting ownership of the trademark (e.g., Oracle is a registered trademark, and ConText, Oracle Alliance and Oracle8 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation). The trademarks should not be used as verbs, or in the possessive or plural form. Do not vary trademarks by changing their spelling or abbreviating them.

Companies generally do not permit third party use of their logos or design marks, and you should not use them in unless you have express written consent from the company.

Other requirements

The language of the submitted papers should be consistent with British English.

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