Courses of EWSCS'13
Magnús Már Halldórsson (School of Computer Science, Reykjavík University, Iceland):
Approximation Algorithms for NP-Hard Combinatorial Problems (details) Ralf Küsters (Fachbereich IV - Informatik, Univ. Trier, Germany):
Central Security Requirements and Analysis of E-Voting Systems (details)Luke Ong (Dept. of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK):
Higher-Order Model Checking (details)Davide Sangiorgi (Dip. di Scienze dell'Informazione, Università di Bologna, Italy):
Introduction to Bisimulation and Coinduction (details)Santiago Zanella Béguelin (Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK):
Formal Methods for Cryptography (details)

- Tiger University Plus programme of the Estonian Information Technology Foundation
- Estonian Centre of Excellence in Computer Science, EXCS (funded mainly by the European Regional Development Fund)

Last changed
July 9, 2013 19:13 EET
local organizers, ewscs13(at)
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