Claudio Orlandi
Dept. of Computer Science
Aarhus Universitet
Cryptographic tools for secure two-party computation
Traditional cryptography allows two parties to ensure authenticity and secrecy of their communication over an insecure channel -- two parties that trust each other and want to be protected against external attacker. However, in modern applications the trust model is different, and the parties involved might not trust each other and require extra security guarantees. Electronic auctions, electronic voting and cloud computing are few examples of such applications. In this short course, I will present some of state-of-the art cryptographic tools that allow two (or more) parties to perform any computation on their data in a way that preserves the privacy of the secret inputs and the correctness of the results, even if the system is under attack by internal and external adversaries.
The focus of the course will be on efficient techniques for two-party computation secure against active adversaries. A list of the tools and the techniques that will be presented include: protocols with trusted dealer, oblivious transfer, garbled circuits, cut-and-choose, computing on authenticated data etc.
Course materials
- C. Orlandi. Cryptographic tools for secure two-party computation. Lecture slides for EWSCS 2014.
- Videos from the lectures.
- C. Orlandi. Is multiparty computation any good in practice? In Proc. 2011 IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2011, pp. 5848-5851. IEEE, 2011. [doi link]
- C. Hazay, Y. Lindell. Efficient Secure Two-Party Protocols: Techniques and Constructions, Information Security and Cryptography. Springer, 2010.
- Ch. 2. Definitions, pp. 19-49. [doi link]
- Y. Ishai, E. Kushilevitz, S. Meldgaard, C. Orlandi, A. Paskin-Cherniavsky. On the power of correlated randomness in secure computation. In Proc. of 10th Theory of Cryptography Conf., TCC 2013, v. 7785 of Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., pp. 600-620. Springer, 2013. [doi link]
- M. Naor, B. Pinkas. Efficient oblivious transfer protocols. In Proc. of 12th Ann. ACM-SIAM Symp. on Discrete Algorithms, SODA 2001, pp. 448-457. SIAM, 2001. [link to ACM DL]
- Y. Ishai, J. Kilian, K. Nissim, E. Petrank. Extending oblivious transfers efficiently. In Proc. of 23rd Ann. Int. Cryptology Conf., CRYPTO 2003, v. 2729 of Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci., pp. 145-161. Springer, 2003. [doi link]
- J. B. Nielsen, P. S. Nordholt, C. Orlandi, S. S. Burra. A new approach to practical active-secure two-party computation. Cryptology ePrint Archive report 2011/091, 2011. [link to IACR ePrint server]
- Y. Lindell, K. Nissim, C. Orlandi. Hiding the input-size in secure two-party computation. Cryptology ePrint Archive report 2011/679, 2012. [link to IACR ePrint server]
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May 21, 2016 23:47 EET
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