Arvutiteaduse tippkeskus /
Centre of Excellence in Computer Science, EXCS |
EXCS (Estonian eXcellence in Computer Science) was an
Estonian centre of excellence in research (CoE) project 2008-2015
funded by the European Regional Development Fund within the Measure
for the development of CoEs of the Operational programme for the
development of the economic environment of the Estonian system for the
implementation of the EU Structural Funds 2007-2013.
EXCS was based on the HTM institutional resarch grant projects of
Tarmo Uustalu (Institute of
Cybernetics at Tallinn Univ. of
Technology), Peeter Laud (Cybernetica AS), Jaak Vilo, Marlon
Dumas, Dominique Unruh and Heiki-Jaan Kaalep (University of Tartu).
It built on the achievements and experience of CDC (Centre for Dependable
Computing), the Estonian CoE in computer science and engineering
- From 2016, we will continue in a new national CoE called
EXCITE. The new centre is based on the former EXCS and CEBE plus the
robotics groups of Maarja Kruusmaa and Alvo Aabloo and the control
theory group of Maris Tõnso. The language technology groups of Einar
Meister and Heiki-Jaan Kaalep will continue in a different CoE, the
Centre of Estonian Studies.
- This project finished 31 August 2015. Thanks to all who
- 28 August 2015, Abel Armas and Fredrik Milani defended their UT
PhD theses in software engineering.
- 26 August 2015, Priit Adler defended his UT PhD thesis in
- 24-28 August 2015, two software engineering conferences, ICSSP 2015 and
BIR 2015, took place in
Tallinn resp. Tartu in a back-to-back arrangement.
- 16-20 August 2015, we ran the ESSCaSS 2015 summmer
school at Nelijärve.
- 18 June 2015 Kairit Sirts defended her TUT PhD thesis.
- 17 June 2015 Hedi Peterson defended her UT PhD thesis.
- 18-21 May 2015 the TYPES
2015 conference took place in Tallinn.
- 24 April 2015 Sten Ilmjärv defended his UT PhD thesis.
- Liina Kamm defended her UT PhD thesis 9 March 2015.
- The 20th EWSCS winter
school took place 1-6 March 2015 with an excellent set of
- Congratulations to Dan Bogdanov and Ahto Buldas for state
decorations from the President of Estonia.
- The winter 2015
theory days happened 6-8 February at Rogosi.
Public parts of the proposal
Consortium private area (password-protected)
Latest update 15 March 2016