Estonian CoEs 2008-2015 and 2011-2015
Within the same programme as EXCS (the measure for the development of
centres of excellences), altogether seven CoEs were awarded funding
for the period of 7 July 2008-31 Aug 2015.
Apart from EXCS, these are:
- Frontiers in
Biodiversity Research, FIBIR - target-financed themes of Martin
Zobel, Urmas Kõljalg, Raivo Mänd, Meelis Pärtel, Toomas
Tammaru (UT)
- Centre of Excellence in
Genomics - target-financed themes of Maido Remm, Andres Metspalu
(UT), Richard Villems (Estonian Biocentre)
- Centre of Excellence for
Translational Medicine, CETM - target-financed
themes of Eero Vasar, Irja Lutsar, Pärt Peterson, Mihkel Zilmer,
Aleksander Zarkovski, Raivo Uibo (UT)
- Centre of Excellence in Chemical
Biology, CECB - target-financed themes of Tanel Tenson, Ülo
Langel, Andres Merits, Mart Ustav (TUIT), Uko Maran (UT), Ene Ustav
(Estonian Biocentre), Mati Karelson, Margus Lopp (TUT)
- Centre of Excellence in Cultural
Theory, CECT - target-financed themes of Valter Lang, Kalevi Kull,
Art Leete, Epp Lauk, Ülo Valk (UT), Hannes Palang, Aili Aarelaid
(TLU/EIH), important project of Pille Valk (UT)
- Centre for Integrated Electronic
Systems and Biomedical Engineering, CEBE - target-financed themes
of Raimund Ubar, Mart Min, Ivo Fridolin (TUT)
In summer 2011, five additional CoE were awarded funding for the
period 2011-31 August 2015.
- Centre of Excellence for Adaptation to Environmental Changes -
target-financed themes of Ülo Niinemets (Estonian University of Life
Sciences) et al.
- Theory and Applications of Mesosystems - target-financed themes of
Vladimir Hizhnjakov, Jaak Kikas, Ago Rinken, Teet Örd (UT), Malle
Krunks (TUT), Romi Mankin (TLU)
- High-Tech Materials for Sustainable Developments - target-financed
themes of Enn Lust, Ilmar Koppel, Väino Sammelselg (UT), Enn Mellikov
- Dark Matter in (Astro)particle Physics and Cosmology -
target-financed themes of Martti Raidal (National Institute of
Chemical and Biological Physics) et al.
- Centre for Nonlinear Studies, CENS - target-financed themes of
Jüri Engelbrecht, Ülle Kotta, Tarmo Soomere (IoC), Peeter Saari (UT),
important project of Marko Vendelin (IoC)
The measure is administered by the Ministry of Education and Research and
the Archimedes Foundation.
Tarmo Uustalu
Latest update 15 August 2011