Past events
- 14th International Conference
on Perspectives of Business Informatics Research, BIR 2015,
Tartu, 26-28 August 2015
- International
Conference on Software and System Process, ICSSP 2015,
Tallinn, 24-26 August 2015
- Estonian-Japanese Robotics Workshop, Kuressaare, 20-21 August
- 14th Estonian
Summer School on Computer and Systems Science, ESSCaSS 2015,
Nelijärve, 16-20 Aug. 2015
- Bioinformatics Research and
Education Workshop 2015, Tartu, 22-24 May 2015
- 21st International Conference
on Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES 2015, Tallinn, 18-21
May 2015
- 20th Estonian Winter School
in Computer Science, EWSCS 2015, Palmse, 1-6 March 2015
- Estonian Computer
Science Theory Days at Rogosi, 6-8 Feb. 2015
- 20th
Agda Intensive Meeting, AIM XX, Tallinn, 16-22 October
- Joint
Estonian-Latvian Computer Science Theory Days at Ratnieki, Latvia,
2-5 Oct. 2014
- 13th Estonian
Summer School on Computer and Systems Science, ESSCaSS 2014,
Roosta, 17-21 Aug. 2014
- 2nd
European and 5th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication,
Tartu, 6-8 Aug. 2014
- 11th International Baltic
Conference on Databases and Information Systems, Baltic
DB&IS 2014, Tallinn, 8-11 June 2014
- Computer
Science Theory Days at Narva-Jõesuu, 16-18 May 2014
- 2014 European
School of Information Theory, Tallinn, 14-18 April 2014
- 19th Estonian Winter School
in Computer Science, EWSCS 2014, Palmse, 2-7 March 2014
- 7th Global WordNet Conference,
GWC 2014, Tartu, 25-29 January 2014
- 25th Nordic Workshop on
Programming Theory, NWPT 2013, Tallinn, 20-22 November
- Computer Science
Theory Days at Saka, 25-27 October 2013
- 12th Estonian Summer
School on Computer and Systems Science, ESSCaSS 2013, Voore,
18-22 August 2013
- 18th Estonian Winter School
in Computer Science, EWSCS 2013, Palmse, 3-8 March 2013
- Course Introduction to Restriction Categories by Robin Cockett
(U. of Calgary), Tallinn, 6-21 Feb. 2013
- Computer Science
Theory Days at Otepää, 1-3 Feb. 2013
- 5th International
Conference on Human Language Technologies - the Baltic Perspective,
Baltic HLT 2012, Tartu, 4-5 Oct. 2012
- Joint
Estonian-Latvian Computer Science Theory Days at Lilaste,
27-30 Sept. 2012
- 10th International Conference on
Business Process Management, BPM 2012, Tallinn, 3-6
Sept. 2012
- 11th Estonian Summer
School on Computer and Systems Science, ESSCaSS 2012, Jäneda,
19-23 August 2012
- Alan
Turing 100 mini-conference, Tartu, 13 June 2012
- Course Knowledge Engineering by Tatiana Gavrilova (St. Petersburg
U.), Tartu, 21-24 May 2012
- Course Efficient Implementation of Cryptographic Algorithms by
Vassil Dimitrov (U. of Calgary), Tartu, 20-23 Feb. + Apr./May
- Course Introduction to Quantum Computing by Vedran Dunjko and
Einar Pius (U. of Edinburgh), Tartu, 17-30 Apr. 2012
- 15th European Joint Conferences on
Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2012, Tallinn, 24 March-1
April 2012
- 17th Estonian Winter School
in Computer Science, EWSCS 2012, Palmse, 26 Feb.-2 March
- Estonian-Finnish Phonetics
Symposium, Tallinn, 17-18 Feb. 2012
- Course Multimodal Dialogues: Collection, Analysis, and Use by
Kristiina Jokinen, Tartu, 13-17 Feb. 2012
- Computer Science
Theory Days at Kubija, 27-29 Jan. 2012
- 16th Nordic Workshop on
Secure IT Systems, NordSec 2011, Tallinn, 26-28 Oct. 2011
- Course Building a cloud computing application for text processing
by Graham Wilcock (U. of Helsinki), Tartu, 24-28 Oct. 2011
- Computer Science
Theory Days at Tõrve, 7-9 Oct. 2011
- 12th Symposium on Programming
Languages and Software Tools, SPLST 2011, Tallinn, 5-7
Oct. 2011
- Seminar of Estonian centres of excellence in research, Tallinn, 4
Oct. 2011
- 3rd
International Conference on e-Voting and Identity, VoteID 2011,
Tallinn, 29-30 Sept. 2011
- 10th
Estonian Summer School on Computer and Systems Science,
ESSCaSS 2011, Otepää, 21-25 August 2011
- 10th
European Conference on Information Warfare and Security,
ECIW 2011, Tallinn, 7-8 July 2011
- Course First-order decidable theories by Grigori Mints (Stanford
U.), Tartu, 15-17 June 2011
- Bioinformatics Research and
Education Workshop, BREW 2011, Tartu, 20-22 May 2011
- 30th
Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of
Cryptographic Techniques, Eurocrypt 2011, Tallinn, 15-19 May
2011, with the colocated ECRYPT II Hash
Workshop, 19-20 May 2011
- 16th Estonian Winter School
in Computer Science, EWSCS 2011, Palmse, 27 Feb.-4 March
- Computer
Science Theory Days at Nelijärve, 4-6 February 2011
- 9th International Workshop on
Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, TLT-9, Tartu, 3-4
Dec. 2010
- Course Efficient implementation of cryptographic algorithms by
Vassil Dimitrov (U. of Calgary), Tartu, 25 Nov.-16 Dec. 2010
- Course Affective interaction - issues, methods and models by
Kristiina Jokinen, 19-22 Oct. 2010
- Joint Estonian-Latvian
Computer Science Theory Days at Rakari, 30 Sept.-3 Oct. 2010
- Miniworkshop on
cellular automata software, Tallinn, 31 Aug. 2010
- 9th
Estonian Summer School in Computer and Systems Science, ESSCaSS
2010, Pedase, 22-26 Aug. 2010
- Computer Science
Theory Days at Elva (crypto), 11-13 June 2010
- Course Specification quality control + Evolutionary project
management by Tom Gilb, Tartu, 5-7 May 2010
- Course Challenges of spoken dialogue systems by Kristiina Jokinen,
Tartu, 3-7 May 2010
- Course Natural language processing with Java by Graham Wilcock
(U. of Helsinki), Tartu, 8-12 March 2010
- 15th Estonian Winter School
in Computer Science, EWSCS 2010, Palmse, 28 Feb.-5 March
- Scrub nurse robot publicity day, Tallinn, 26 Feb. 2010
- Computer Science
Theory Days at Andu (semantics), 5-7 Feb. 2010
- Epigram developers meeting, Tallinn, 5-8 Jan. 2010
- Course Advanced cryptography and applications by Dinh Thuc Nguyen
(Nat. Univ. of Ho Chi Minh City), Tartu, 30 Nov.-17 Dec. 2009
- 3rd Symp. on
Innovative Software Technology, IST 2009, Tartu, 26-27
Nov. 2009
- Course Formal language
theory by Mati Pentus (Moscow State U.), Tartu, 16-19
Nov. 2009
- Computer Science
Theory Days at Mäetaguse, 2-4 Oct. 2009
- From computer scientists to schoolchildren, Tallinn, 25
Sept. 2009
- 8th
Estonian Summer School in Computer and Systems Science,
ESSCaSS 2009, Jäneda, 23-27 Aug. 2009
- Course Evaluation of advanced dialogue systems by Kristiina
Jokinen, Tartu, 4-8 May 2009
- Meeting of EXCS and IT companies
at Tehnopol, Tallinn, 14 Apr. 2009
- 2nd Conference of the
National Programme for Estonian Language Technology (2006-2010),
Tartu, 6-7 Apr. 2009
- 14th Estonian Winter School
in Computer Science, EWSCS 2009, Palmse, 1-6 March 2009
- Computer
Science Theory Days at Kääriku, 30 Jan.-1 Feb. 2009
- 1st Training School of
COST Action IC0701, Viinistu, 25-29 Jan. 2009
- 20th Nordic Workshop on
Programming Theory, NWPT 2008, Tallinn, 19-21 Nov. 2008
- 2nd
Symp. on Innovative Software Technology, IST 2008, Tartu, 27-28
Oct. 2008
- Course Statistical natural language processing with Java by Graham
Wilcock (University of Helsinki), Tartu, 20-24 Oct. 2008
- Computer Science
Theory Days at Jõulumäe, 3-5 Oct. 2008
- EXCS kick-off meeting, Tallinn, 18-19
Sept. 2008
- 7th
Estonian Summer School in Computer and Systems Science,
ESSCaSS 2008, Otepää, 24-28 Aug. 2008
- NordForsk Researcher Network
VISPP Summer School 2008, Kuressaare, 10-16 Aug. 2008
- 8th International Baltic
Conference on Databases and Information Systems, Baltic
DB&IS '08, Tallinn, 2-5 June 2008
- Course Monads for
programming and verification by Ralph Matthes (U. Paul
Sabatier), Tallinn, 26-27 May 2008
- Course Minimum intrusion grid by Jonas Bardino (U. of Copenhagen),
Tartu, 11-15 May 2008
- Course Linguistic annotation tools by Graham Wilcock (U. of
Helsinki), Tartu, 5-9 May 2008
- Forum on
Software Engineering Education in Estonia, Tallinn, 24
Apr. 2008
- Course Evaluation of advanced dialogue systems by Kristiina
Jokinen, Tartu, 21-25 Apr. 2008
- Course Model-based
validation and testing of real-time systems by Brian Nielsen
(Aalborg U.), Tallinn, 14-17 Apr. 2008
- Course Functionality
from structure with dependent types by Conor McBride (Alta
Systems), Tartu, 7-10 Apr. 2008
- Course Legal pitfalls in software development: understanding
intellectual property and software licenses by Charles Hall
(U. Memphis), Tartu, 31 March-4 Apr. 2008
- 13th Estonian Winter School
in Computer Science, EWSCS 2008, Palmse, 2-7 March 2008
- Course Types and
analyses for scripting languages by Peter Thiemann
(U. Freiburg), Tallinn, 25-27 Feb. 2008
- Course Non-verbal interaction in multiparty conversations by
Kristiina Jokinen, Tartu, 11-15 Feb. 2008
- Computer Science
Theory Days at Põlva, 25-27 Jan. 2008
Tarmo Uustalu
Latest update 28 August 2015