
EXCS is one of the 7 CoE projects across all disciplines that are funded within the Measure for the development of CoEs of the Operational programme for the development of the economic environment of the Estonian national system for the implementation of the EU Structural Funds 2007-2013. This operational programme is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund (CF).

The budgeted eligible cost of the project during the 7-year project duration is 69.9 MEEK. The structural assistance is from ERDF and amounts to 95 per cent, i.e., 66.4 MEEK (ca 4.25 MEUR).

The Estonian state contributes an additional support of 3.8 MEEK (ca 0.25 MEUR) and compensates for the ineligible VAT.

The measure is administered by the Ministry of Education and Research and the Archimedes Foundation.

Tarmo Uustalu
Latest update 23 July 2008