Participation in European and international projects
- IST coordination action 510996 Types for
Proofs and Programs, TYPES (1 Sept. 2004-31 Aug. 2007, extended
until 30 Apr. 2008, IoC, partner)
- IST integrated project 15905 Mobility, Ubiquity, Security for Small
Devices, MOBIUS (1 Sept. 2005-31 Aug. 2009, IoC, partner)
- IST integrated project 15964 Algorithmic Principles for
Building Efficient Overlay Computers, AEOLUS (1 Sept. 2005-31
Aug. 2009, extended until 28 Feb. 2010, CybAS, partner)
- IST STREP 27751 Reinforcing
eGovernment Services in Baltic States through Legal and Accountable
Digital Time Stamp, BALTICTIME (1 Jan. 2006-31 Dec. 2008, extended
until 30 Apr. 2009, CybAS, partner)
- LifeSciHealth NoE 518254 An
Experimental Network for Functional Integration, ENFIN (15
Nov. 2005-14 Nov. 2010, extended until 14 May 2011, EGeen, later
OÜ Quretec, partner)
- LifeSciHealth STREP 37730 Colon
and Breast Cancer Diagnostics, COBRED (1 March 2007-28 Feb. 2010,
extended until 31 Aug. 2010, DCS/UT, partner)
- LifeSciHealth integrated project 37900 Silencing RNAs: Organisers and
Coordinators of Complexity in Eukaryotic Organisms, SIROCCO (1
Jan. 2007-31 Dec. 2010, extended until 30 Sept. 2011, OÜ Quretec,
partner, OÜ Quretec start date summer 2010)
- ICT integrated project 231620 Highly Available and Trustworthy
Software Using Formal Models, HATS (1 March 2009-28 Feb. 2013,
IoC, partner, IoC start date 1 May 2010)
- ICT STREP 216064 Secure,
Trusted and Legally Ruled Collaboration Environment in Virtual Life,
VirtualLife (1 Jan. 2008-31 Dec. 2010, extended until 31 July
2011, CybAS, partner)
- ICT STREP 213360 Innovating the
Scientific Knowledge Object Lifecycle, LiquidPub (1 May 2008-30
Apr. 2011, DCS/UT, partner, DCS/UT start date 1 May 2010)
- ICT STREP 257593 Artifact-Centric Service
Interoperation, ACSI (1 June 2010-31 May 2013, DCS/UT,
- ICT STREP 257793 Reuse and
Migration of Legacy Applications to Interoperable Cloud Services,
REMICS (1 Sept. 2010-31 Aug. 2013, DCS/UT, partner, DCS/UT
start date 1 Sept. 2011)
- ICT STREP 284731 Usable
and Efficient Secure Multiparty Computation, UaESMC (1
Feb. 2012-31 Jan. 2015, extended until 31 July 2015, CybAS,
- ICT coordination action 318762 Facilitate Industry and
Research in Europe, FIRE (1 Sept. 2012-31 Aug. 2014, extended
until 31 Oct. 2014, CybAS, partner)
- ICT integrated project 318003 Technology-supported Risk
Estimation by Predictive Assessment of Socio-technical Security,
TREsPASS (1 Nov. 2012-31 Oct. 2016, CybAS, partner)
- ICT collaborative project 609611 Privacy-Preserving Computation
in the Cloud, PRACTICE (1 Nov. 2013-31 Oct. 2016, CybAS,
- INCO support action 609534 Reinforcing Cooperation with Eastern
Partnership Countries on Bridging the Gap between Research and
Innovation for Inclusive and Secure Societies, SECURE-R2I (1
Oct. 2013-30 Sept. 2016, CybAS, partner)
- Infrastructures preparatory phase project 212230 Common Language Resources and Technology
Infrastructure, CLARIN (1 Jan. 2008-31 Dec. 2010, extended until
30 June 2011, DCS/UT, partner)
- Health integrated project 201619 Embryonic Stem Cell Based Novel
Alternative Testing Strategies, ESNATS (1 Apr. 2008-31 March 2013,
OÜ Quretec, partner)
- Health integrated project 266838 Detection of Endpoints and
Biomarkers of Repeated Dose Toxicity Using In Vitro Systems,
DETECTIVE (1 Jan. 2011-31 Dec. 2015, OÜ Quretec,
- Health STREP 305299 Systems Biology of Pathways
Involving Brain Ageing, AGEDBRAINSYSBIO (1 Jan. 2013-31 Dec. 2016,
OÜ Quretec, partner)
- LEIT ICT RIA 644666 SecUre
iNFormation SHaring in federated heterogeneous private clouds,
SUNFISH (1 Jan. 2015-1 Jan. 2018; CybAS, partner)
- TRANSPORT RIA 636078 Information
Technologies for Shift to Rail, IT2Rail (1 May 2015-1 Nov. 2017;
CybAS, partner)
- WIDESPREAD/TEAMING FPA 664564 Centre of Excellence on Connected
Digital Economy, EE-IT (1 June 2015-1 June 2016; ETAG, coordinator;
UT, TUT, partners)
- SECURITY IA 653497 Privacy and Accountability in Networks via
Optimized Randomized Mix-nets, PANORAMIX (1 Sept. 2015-1 Sept. 2018;
DCS/UT, partner)
- SECURITY IA 653884 Secure and Resilient Cloud Architecture,
SafeCloud (1 Sept. 2015-1 Sept. 2018; CybAS, partner)
- INFRA RIA 654024 SoBigData Research Infrastructure (1
Sept. 2015-1 Sept. 2019; DCS/UT, partner)
- INFRA RIA 676559 Fast-Track ELIXIR Implementation and
Drive-Early User Exploitation across the Life Sciences,
ELIXIR-EXCELERATE (1 Sept. 2015-1 Sept. 2019; DCS/UT, partner)
- Action IC0701 Formal
Verification of Object-Oriented Software (11 March 2008-10 March
2012, Estonia, signatory, Tarmo Uustalu, MC member)
- Action IC0702 Combining Soft
Computing Techniques and Statistical Methods to Improve Data Analysis
Solutions (31 March 2008-30 March 2012, Estonia, signatory, Jaak
Vilo, MC member)
- Action IC0804 Energy Efficiency
in Large Scale Distributed Systems (5 May 2009-4 May 2013,
Estonia, signatory, Marlon Dumas, MC member, Michele Mazzucco, MC
substitute member)
- Action IC0901 Rich-Model Toolkit
- An Infrastructure for Reliable Computer Systems (30 Oct. 2009-29
Oct. 2013, Estonia, signatory, Jaan Raik and Tarmo Uustalu, MC
- Action IC1104 Random
Network Coding and Designs over GF(q) (26 April 2012-25 April
2016, Estonia, signatory, Vitaly Skachek, MC member)
- Action IC1201 Behavioral Types for
Reliability of Large-Scale Software Systems, BETTY (26
Oct. 2012-25 Oct. 2016, Estonia, signatory, Keiko Nakata, Tarmo
Uustalu, MC members)
- Action IC1205 Computational Social
Choice (30 Nov. 2012-29 Nov. 2016, Estonia, signatory, Helger
Lipmaa, MC member)
- Action IC1207 PARSing and Multi-word
Expressions: Towards Linguistic Precision and Computational Efficiency
in Natural Language Processing, PARSEME (21 Nov. 2012-20
Nov. 2016, Estonia, signatory, Kadri Muischnek, MC member)
- Action IC1306 Cryptography for
Secure Digital Interaction (7 April 2014-6 April 2018, Estonia,
signatory, Helger Lipmaa, MC member)
- Action IC1402 Runtime
Verification beyond Monitoring, ARVI (17 December 2014-16 December
2018, Estonia, signatory, Tarmo Uustalu, MC member, Vesal Vojdani,
substitute MC member)
- Complexity-Net project Complexity of Interdependent Epigenetic
Signals in Cancer Initiation (1 Sept. 2010-31 Dec. 2012, DCS/UT,
IMI (Innovative Medicines
Initiative) (EU FP7 and EFPIA public-private partnership)
- Researcher network Variation
in Speech Production and Perception, VISPP (2004-2008, IoC,
- Humanities/social sciences research school Nordic Graduate School of Language
Technology, NGSLT (2004-2009, DCS/UT, IoC, partners)
- Researcher network Health
Text Analysis Network in the Nordic and Baltic countries, HEXANord
(2009-2012, DCS/UT, partner)
- PROCEED (Programming Computation on Encrypted Data) programme
project Secure Virtual Machines and Languages, SEVILLA (5 April
2011-..., CybAS, contractor)
- Project 2010-02481 Secure eHealth over Android (CybAS, partner)
Tarmo Uustalu
Latest update 29 August 2015