Publisher : Prentice Hall - Sydney
Bibliographic :
Programming by Design provides the basis for a course in computer programming concepts and techniques. It takes the language-independent, design-oriented approach to computer programming. Rather than rely on a specific programming language, it aims to build attitudes and skills that will allow students to tackle and successfully apply any programming or database language.
Part 1. DESIGN. 1. The Importance of Program Design. 2. Adding Detail Using Structured English. 3.Decision and Loop Constructs. 4. Program Logic and Desk-Checking. 5. Variables and Loop Calculations. 6. The Importance of Program Documentation.
Part 2. CODING. 7. Coding Linear Program Logic. 8. Coding Decision and Loop Constructs. 9. Library Routines, Data Types and Data Usage. 10. More Complex Expressions and Documentation Control.
Part 3. ADVANCED TECHNIQUES. 11. Modularisation. 12. Screen Handling and Menus. 13. Sequential Files and Report Writing. 14. Array Processing. 15. Structured Variables and Data Types. 16. Database and File Processing Techniques. 17. Pointers and Dynamic Memory Techniques. 18. GUI and Object-Oriented Techniques.
Appendixes * Glossary * Index.