Publisher : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publishers - New York
Bibliographic :
This one-semester undergraduate course introduces software engineering. A detailed guide to processes and products, this new text provides all the essential information needed to develop software engineering skills. The book offers in-depth coverage of all fundamental topics and includes follow-up projects in an appendix for hands-on application. Each chapter is followed by a variety of open-ended problems that afford maximum flexibility in course use and encourage students to exhibit originality and judgment. An instructor's manual contains solutions to some of the problems, as well as suggested examinations and course schedules. There is also an extensive and easily accessible bibliography that provides opportunities for further study.
Software Engineering. Software Management. The Analysis Stage. The Specification Stage. The External Design Phase. The Design Stage. The Implementation Stage. The Testing Stage. The Operational Stage. Appendices. Index.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Graduate and Advanced Undergraduate Students of Computer Science and Engineering.