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2 Volume Set


"A Wiley-Interscience publication"

Publisher : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publishers - New York

Bibliographic :


Encompasses the field of software development process--from design to transpiration to testing and everything in between. Includes all functional disciplines, software tools and languages associated with software engineering of large and/or complex projects. Organized alphabetically--every major area contains an overview article that defines the topic. Each sub-discipline has a specific article covering history, current practice, practical data and projections about future practice.

This is the most comprehensive reference on software engineering ever published. This two-volume encyclopedia not only compiles an unprecedented amount of information, but in its breadth of scope and attention to detail and organization, goes a long way in actually defining the field. The top names in software engineering from around the globe explore the issues and principles of the discipline in over 165 major articles. Hundreds more short entries define the vocabulary and language of the field. Biographical sketches introduce the people who have significantly contributed to the field. And bibliographies cite sources of additional information. Major topics include acquisition management, artificial intelligence in software engineering, CASE, computer security, configuration management, cost estimation, data rights, database management systems in engineering, design, implementation, maintenance, measurement, milestones in software engineering, project management, quality, quality assurance, requirements analysis, reuse, risk management, safety, software engineering, software engineering environments, software reliability engineering, software reliability theory, and testing. A truly landmark publication, with 1,520 pages of information in two durable, case-bound volumes, The Encyclopedia of Software Engineering sets the standard for reference works in this exciting, dynamic field.


Includes bibliographical references and index. v. 1. A-N -- v. 2. O-Z.

AUDIENCE: Software Engineers, Computer Professionals, Graduate Students, Librarians.

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