(System requirements for accompanying computer disk: DOS; Windows 3.1.)
Publisher : Prentice Hall PTR - Upper Saddle River, N.J.
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KEY BENEFIT: Automating software quality assurance (QA) is key to success in today's information systems environment. This book provides an overview of software quality assurance automation for C and C++, and includes an accompanying disk that provides teams with a working set of five tools. It also emphasizes continuous improvement (CI) in software development, enabling firms to set up a CI program, necessary for ISO-9000 quality certification.
KEY TOPICS: Covers the types of tools used in software quality assessment; the various problems developers typically run into; the benefits of an organized unit testing plan; system testing; using the supplied tools on disk.
1. Introduction: Why Software Quality Assurance?
Quality and the Software Industry. Reasons for Software Quality
Assurance. Continuous Improvement. SQA and Object
Orientation. Summary.
2. Types of Software Quality Tools.
Why Use Tools? Different Tools for Different Phases. Conclusion.
3. Quality Control During Development.
Outcomes of Quality Control During Development. Continuous
Improvement. Techniques for Interface Quality. Techniques for
Implementation Quality. Code Reviews and Standards
Enforcement. Quality Assurance Concerns. Summary.
4. Validations: AssertLib.
Introduction. Using AssertLib's Assertions. Using AssertLib's
Invariants. AssertLib and the Sample Code. How AssertLib
Works. AssertLib Enhancements. Summary.
5. Resource Management: ResTrack.
Introduction. Dealing with Reasources. Using ResTrack. ResTrack
and the Sample Code. How ResTrack Works. Extending to Other
Resources. Future Directions. Summary.
6. No Code is an Island.
Testing Phases. Why Not Just System Test? Who Should Unit
Test? Unit Testing and Iterative Development. Unit Test Phase
Structure. Summary.
7. Test Conditions: UTCGen.
Introduction to Test Conditions. Using UTCGen. UTCGen's Test
Condition Catalog. UTCGen and the Sample Code. How
UTCGen Works. Future Directions. Summary.
8. Test Framework: UTCLang.
Ad-Hoc Unit Testing. Test Frameworks for C/C++. UTCLang's
Test Framework. Components of UTCLang's Language. Using a
UTCLang Driver. Creating a UTCLang Driver. Implementing a
Unit Test with UTCLang. UTCLang and the Sample Code. How
UTCLang Works. Built-in Classes and Globals. Other Uses for
UTCLang. Future Directions. Summary.
9. Test Quality Measurement - UTCCover.
Introduction. Why Use Coverage? Types of Coverage. What is
UTCCover? Using UTCCover. How UTCCover Works. Future
Directions. Conclusion.
10. The Final Stand.
Form of a System Test. Who Performs System Test? Organizing
System Testing. Maximizing Benefit for Effort. Continuous
Improvement. Conclusion.
11. User Interface Testing: WinCapT.
User Interface Testing and Tools. Comparing Tools. Using
WinCapT. WinCapT and the Sample Code. How WinCapT
Works. Future Directions. Summary.
12. Putting it all Together.
Quality After Delivery. Tools Integration: Quality Plan. Where to
Go from Here. Conclusion. Story Conclusion. Installing the Disk.
Appendix A: About the Disk.
Contents of the Archive. AssertLib.
Appendix B: Library and Framework APIs.
Garbage Collection Framework. ResTrack. UTCCover. UTCGen.
UTCLang. Utility Dialogs. WinCapT. Windows Memory Dump.
X-Base Library.
Appendix C: Testing the Sample Code.
Address Lite. General.
Appendix D: Tool Unit Tests and Compatibility Notes.
AssertLib. ResTrack. UTCGen. UTCLang. UTCCover.
WinCapT. Hungarian Notation.
Appendix E: Coding Style Guide.
Rules for C Code. Rules for C++ Code. Interpreted Classes and
Appendix F: UTCLang Implementation Notes.
How UTCLang Works.
Acronyms. * Glossary. * References (p. 317-318).
AUDIENCE: For C/C++ software programmers, quality assurance personnel, and software development management.