Publisher : McGraw Hill - New York
Bibliographic :
For more than a decade, Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach has been the best selling guide to software engineering. Now in its third edition, the book continues as a dependable, comprehensive guidebook. It is updated and expanded to 24 chapters that address every important topic in what some have called ``the engineering discipline of the 1990s.'' The book is restructured to accommodate the dramatic growth in the field and to emphasize new software engineering methods and tools. Major new sections are added to chapters on computer systems engineering, requirements analysis fundamentals, data flow oriented design, object-oriented design, real-time design, software quality assurance, and software testing techniques and maintenance.
For practitioners and students, this edition has been restructured to emphasize new software engineering methods and tools.
From the publisher the following supplements also available: an instructor's manual (0-07-050815-1), overhead transparencies (0-07-074545-5) and a ten video module on case tools (0-07-050819-4).
Software and Software Engineering * Project Management: Software Metrics * Observations on Estimating * Project Management: Planning * Computer System Engineering * Requirements Analysis Fundamental * Structured Analysis and Its Extensions * Object-Oriented Analysis and Data Modeling * Requirements Analysis Methods * Software Design Fundamentals * Data Flow-Oriented Design * Origins of Object-Oriented Design * Data-Oriented Design Methods * Human Factors * Real-Time Design * Programming Languages and Coding * Software Quality Assurance * Software Testing Techniques * Software Testing Strategies * Software Maintenance * Software Configuration Management * Computer-Aided Software Engineering * Integrated CASE Environments * The Road Ahead
Includes bibliographical references and index.
AUDIENCE: Undergraduate, Postgraduate Computer Science Students, Research, Professional.