Pedase, August 8-12, 2004.
NEWSPlease check the last minute travel information. The final agenda is available here. PROGRAMMEThe programme of the school consists of short courses by renowned specialists and student sessions.
The list of courses to be presented in ESSCaSS`04 are:
The participants of the school are encouraged to propose short presentations (20 min) and/or posters (details can be found here). The programme will be selected based on abstracts of 300-500 words. Submissions in all of the areas of computer science, systems engineering, software engineering, artificial intelligence, robotics and mechatronics are welcome. Presenting work in progress is encouraged, but so is also
presenting work submitted for formal publication elsewhere.
SPONSORSThe organisers of ESSCaSS`04 wish to thank the sponsors:
Programme CommiteeJaan Penjam (Institute of Cybernetics), chair, Juhan-Peep Ernits (Institute of Cybernetics / Tallinn University of Technology), Sven Laur (University of Tartu), Merik Meriste (University of Tartu), Leo Mõtus (Tallinn University of Technology), Tarmo Uustalu (Institute of Cybernetics), Jüri Vain (Tallinn University of Technology). OrganisersJuhan-Peep Ernits (Institute of Cybernetics / Tallinn University of Technology),Marko Kääramees (Institute of Cybernetics), Ando Saabas (Institute of Cybernetics). CONTACTIf you have any questions regarding this summer school, please feel free to contact the organisers at esscass04 at cc.ioc.ee. Telephone: +3726204194 The postal address is: Estonian Summer School in Computer and System Science Institute of Cybernetics Akadeemia tee 21 12618 Tallinn Estonia |