Estonian Winter Schools in Computer Science    
Eesti arvutiteaduse talvekoolid
EWSCS 2004
EATTK 2004

9th Estonian Winter School in Computer Science (EWSCS)
IX Eesti Arvutiteaduse Talvekool (EATTK)

Palmse, Estonia
February 29 - March 5, 2004

Moni Naor

Dept. of Computer Science & Applied Mathematics
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel

Cryptography and Privacy Preserving Operations


The last two decades have seen a tremendous development of cryptographic protocols allowing mutually distrusting parties to evaluate a common function while leaking as little information as possible about their inputs. In this course we will study such protocols with an emphasis on ones that achieve some a social goal.

The course will consist of a brief introduction to the foundations of cryptography, followed by lectures on anonymity, protocols for voting, protecting ownership and preserving privacy.

Course materials

About the Lecturer


Modified Thursday, Jan 01, 1970 at 2:00 EET+0200 by monika(at)