Estonian Winter Schools in Computer Science Eesti arvutiteaduse talvekoolid |
EWSCS 2005 EATTK 2005 |
Trusted Systems Lab
HP Labs
Haifa, Israel
The digital age has enabled widespread access to and collection of data. While there are several advantages to ubiquitous access to data, there is also the potential for breaching the privacy of individuals.
Privacy-preserving data mining studies techniques for meeting the potentially conflicting goals of respecting individual rights and allowing legitimate organizations to collect and mine massive data sets. One approach for solving such problems is based on cryptographic protocols allowing mutually distrusting parties to evaluate a common function while leaking as little information as possible about their inputs. Another approach is based on statistical methods, for example database algorithms that compute the true response to queries and add noise to the answer, reporting only the noisy answer.
In this course we will study privacy-preserving data mining techniques, with an emphasis on using rigorous definitions and analysis. The course will begin with a brief introduction to cryptography.
Modified Mar 11, 2005 14:54 by monika(at)