Estonian Winter Schools in Computer Science Eesti arvutiteaduse talvekoolid |
EWSCS 2007 EATTK 2007 |
Institute of Mathematics
Romanian Academy
Bucharest, Romania
The course is intended to be a quick introduction to membrane computing (a branch of natural computing initiated by Gh. Păun in the end of 1998, with the aim of learning computing ideas, models, paradigms from the structure and the functioning of the living cell, possibly useful/interesting for computer science).
There will be presented the basic ideas of membrane computing, various central classes of membrane systems (cell-like, tissue-like, and neural-like P systems), classes of mathematical results (computing power, e.g., characterizations of Turing computability, and computing efficiency, e.g., devising polynomial solutions to computationally hard problems), as well as a series of applications in biology/medicine (modeling processes taking place in cells), economics, computer science (e.g., in designing approximate optimization algorithms). Research topics will be constantly emphasized. No biological background is assumed/necessary.
Comprehensive information about the domain can be found at the website
Gheorghe Păun (born in 1950) graduated the Faculty of Mathematics of the Bucharest University in 1974 and got his PhD at the same faculty in 1977. He has won many scholarships, in Germany, Finland, The Netherlands, Spain, etc. Presently he is a senior researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, and a Ramon y Cajal research professor at Sevilla University, Spain. Since 1997 he is a Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy, and since 2006 a member of Academia Europaea. His main research fields are formal language theory (regulated rewriting, contextual grammars, grammar systems), automata theory, combinatorics on words, computational linguistics, DNA computing, membrane computing (this last area was initiated by him in 1998 and the respective models are called P systems, from his name). He has (co)authored and (co)edited more than fifty books in these areas, and he has (co)authored more than 400 research papers. In the last two decades he has visited many universities from Europe, USA, Canada, Japan, China, also participating in many international conferences, several times as an invited speaker. He is a member of the editorial board of numerous computer science journals and professional associations.
Modified Jun 01, 2007 12:00