Keiko Nakata

κ ε ι κ ο @

I moved to Potsdam, Germany. Please visit my new home page.
If you have a problem sendign me Japanese emails, please check here.

Program committees

PPL 2011 (Japanese), SOS 2011, DSL 2011, FLOPS 2012, ML 2012, EXPRESS/SOS 2012, APLAS 2012, PPL 2013 (Japanese), TFP 2013, FLOPS 2014, ML 2014, Haskell Symposium 2014, PEPM 2015, PPL 2015 (Japanese), TLCA 2015, ICFP 2015, ESOP 2016, HAL 2017.

European projects

HATS, COST IC1201 (BETTY), COST IC1402 (ARVI) WG3 co-chair.

Other academic service

Selection Committee for John C. Reynolds Doctoral Dissertation Award (2016)

PhD Students

Andri Saar (co-supervising with Tarmo Uustalu)
Boriss Šelajev (co-supervising with Tarmo Uustalu)

Finished Master Students

Elmo Todurov

Research papers



Useful links

Program by Design

Less useful notes

black holes as exceptions

an idle note on F#



Spring 2012 - Type systems, graduate course
Fall 2011 - Type systems, graduate course
Spring 2010 - Programming languages semantics, graduate course, shared with Tarmo Uustalu